Thursday, January 24, 2008

C-gold’s Advantage over E-gold, Liberty Reserve, & E-Bullion

C-gold; quite a new addition the list of online payment options has its advantages over other online payment companies. Other online payment companies like E-gold, Liberty Reserve, & E-Bullion are famous with Liberty Reserve being the only USD based payment processor among them. Some advantages that C-gold have over the other listed online payment processors I shall point out.

C-gold is gold based while Liberty Reserve is USD based which is C-gold’s most obvious advantage. C-gold’s advantage over e-gold is that it is safe. You may often hear about balances in e-gold accounts being stolen but not so with c-gold. E-bullion has their share of chargebacks, confiscations, & frozen accounts issues. C-gold is just the opposite. So you can pretty much understand why people are considering or have opened a c-gold account regardless of the site’s aesthetics.

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