Sunday, August 31, 2008

Intel vPro Technology Logo Marking

The Quad core microprocessor was recently released into the market so the prices for it is still in the marked up premium levels. However, the slightly older Intel® Core™2 Duo Processors have reduced prices since the newer Quad core chips are taking up most of the present attention of consumers, leaving the older chips to be stock cleared to accommodate more quad core offerings. The chips that have vPro technology in them have the vPro marking on the logo as in the above image.


Selerines said...

I am having Core 2 Duo.... I think that its time for change now.... Thanks for the info man... Have a nice day.. Take care...

Abas KS said...

Hi, Shiva.

How are you?

You have a Core2Duo & you want to change the chip some more? Myself, I only change a PC or laptop after about five years.

I guess you are the 'gamer' sort of person, eh, Shiva? Gamers almost always must have the latest chips to power the demanding newest games in the market.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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