Friday, August 8, 2008

Intel's Multi Core Model Based Computing

Intel China Research Center is working on Model-based Computing to optimize the use of its multi core microprocessor technology. Hint, Microsoft is currently looking closer into virtualization software. It seems that virtualization it’s more related to server technology. The virtualization strategy combined with utility computing that uses virtual machines, & the third most important factor; the multi core chip’s scalability, performance & power efficiency to reach high levels of work load consolidation in data centers.

Click on to view an article on Why we need so many cores? Tera-scale computers which are based on 10 to 100s of integrated processor cores perform 3 workloads in Model based computing: “Recognition object or pattern in a database, data mining (source the data base to find identical objects or related patterns that match the target object), & information synthesis (you mine out data, different patterns & objects, put together in a way that user can digest; user can derive useful solutions)” quoted from Vived De; fellow of Intel.

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