Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Choose Types Bad Credit Credit Cards

Bad credit credit cards are for folks who still want the convenience of using credit cards but have a less than decent credit history. Two types of bad credit credit cards can be had by them. The first is known as secured credit cards & the second are unsecured credit cards. Would be users of secured credit cards must open a bank account with the bad debt credit card supplier & the credit limit is set to about 50-100% of the bank account balance.

The second type is like normal credit cards but with features targeted for people with bad credit which may include a lower interest rate to help them consolidate their debt. Whichever bad credit credit cards you think is best for you, you can find a good selection of them at You may want to browse through the selection of unsecured bad credit credit cards or the secured type on the site too to help you make your selection. Other offerings on the website include bad credit loans, auto loans, home loans, & etc.

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